Aren't All Philadelphia DBT Therapists the Same?

If they say they provide DBT, it’s DBT, right?

You’ve tried everything to feel better; to not feel so miserable; to not feel so much emotional pain. You are desperate for relief from the suffering. When you’ve been at the end of your rope, you’ve done things… Things that now, when you think about them, make you feel sick… like when you hurt yourself on purpose.

You may have tried traditional talk therapy and it may have helped- a little. It helped a little, but the relief didn’t last. After going this route through talk therapy, with only minimal improvement, your therapist recommended Dialectical Behavior Therapy or DBT.

When you begin your search for DBT therapists and DBT programs, you become overwhelmed and confused. There are so many options.

Image of a lot of question marks appearing in multiple angles & directions. Represents all the questions someone has about finding a Philadelphia DBT Therapist.

Everyone listed who says they provide DBT, does DBT, right?

Unfortunately, no.

It can be extremely challenging to find a qualified DBT therapist or program that offers Comprehensive Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. DBT is a highly specialized treatment and DBT therapists who offer Comprehensive DBT had to undergo extensive, intensive training. DBT therapists need to continue to get ongoing education and maintain collaboration with a team of other DBT-trained therapists. In addition, providing Comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy means adhering to the high degree of standards that is research supported to maintain it’s Gold Standard level of treatment.

How do you know if the DBT program that says it “does DBT”, actually “does DBT”?

How to find a Philadelphia DBT Therapist?

Image of woman from the waist down, holding 3 bags in her hand. Represents how someone looking for a Philadelphia DBT Therapist may have to “shop around”.

The first step is to identify therapists who you believe offer DBT and can help you. If you’re not sure how to go about locating or finding DBT therapists, you can check out my past post HERE.

Once you have a list of potential DBT programs or DBT therapists, reach out to each one. It’s important to find out what they offer. You may need to “shop” around.

For DBT to be, well, DBT, the following needs to be met.

Without all of these, it’s not DBT.

The Gold Standard Dialectical Behavior Therapy includes individual psychotherapy in addition to separate, DBT Skills Training. The DBT program must provide between session phone coaching and the DBT therapist needs to be a member of a Consultation Team with other DBT-trained therapists. Additionally, the DBT program must adhere to the guidelines that are supported by research.

What to ask potential Philadelphia DBT Therapists or DBT Programs

For your convenience, I’ve created a list of questions to ask potential DBT providers to confirm they offer the Gold Standard Comprehensive DBT.

Spoiler Alert- all the answers to the following questions must be “yes”.

1.     Do you provide DBT treatment?

2.    How were you trained to provide DBT?

(The criteria is that the therapist must have completed at least 40-hours of approved, DBT-specific training).

Fun Fact: I received my intensive DBT training through Behavioral Tech, which was founded by DBT creator, Marsha Linehan.

3.     Do you provide both individual psychotherapy and DBT Skills Training?

4.     If you do DBT Skills Training, is it in a group or done individually?

In my DBT private practice, I provide individual skills training.

5.     How long does it take to participate in DBT Skills Training?

At the very least, Skills Training takes 24 weeks. The 24 week cycle is most often repeated due to the amount of material that is covered.

6.     Do you assess progress in DBT and does that influence my ability to remain in DBT?

7.     Do you incorporate daily diary cards?

8.     Are you a member of a DBT Consultation Team with other DBT therapists and how often do you meet?

Image of a vintage phone with the handle not hung up. Represents Philadelphia DBT Phone Coaching.

The standard is that the consultation team meets weekly.

9.     Do you offer phone coaching between therapy sessions?

10.  Do you provide adherent Comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy that is supported by research? 

Philadelphia DBT Therapy

When you’re searching for a DBT therapist, you want an expert. You want someone who specializes in borderline personality disorder treatment, and who adheres to the standards of Comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy that’s supported by research.

As a DBT therapist, I know that it can feel so overwhelming finding someone who can truly help you when you’re already going through such a difficult time. When you work with me, you can rest assured that you are working with an expert DBT therapist and is passionate about DBT.

Find a Philadelphia DBT Therapist

I specialize in the treatment of BPD, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, outpatient DBT, and anxiety therapy. If you’re ready to experience the difference of working with an expert DBT therapist, reach out now. Consultations for Philadelphia DBT therapy can be booked HERE.