You’ve Tried DBT Before and It Didn’t Work. READ THIS.

DBT is More Than Skills Training

Chances are that if you’ve struggled with immensely painful emotions, engaged in destructive behavior, and continually experienced difficult relationships, you’ve come across Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

Image of woman sitting in tub completely clothed, with makeup streaks down her face. Represents how BPD can feel like you’re going crazy.

When you’re unable to regulate your emotions, keep relationships, and continue to make your problems worse, it can feel like there’s no end to your suffering.

You’ve tried it all and despite this, nothing seems to help you. It seems like no matter what you do, you keep repeating the same out-of-control patterns and the pain just continues, leaving you feeling like you’re going crazy. Having borderline personality disorder or BPD can be crazy-making. It can be crazy-making for both you and the people you care about.

DBT- What is it?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is the go-to treatment to help people who have out-of-control, immensely painful emotions, who engage in destructive behavior, and who are unable to keep healthy, meaningful relationships. DBT is the treatment of choice, The Gold Standard, for people with BPD.

DBT is for people who feel like they’re stuck in their own personal hell. It is for people who’ve been told that BPD is untreatable; that there is no hope.

I’m here to tell you that you are not doomed to be “borderline” for the rest of your life. There is hope.

Image of someone holding an open book with the word “Hope” written on a page. Represents how DBT can bring hope to people who have been struggling with BPD.

How people offer DBT in Philadelphia.

When you first search for Dialectical Behavior Therapy, it can feel so overwhelming. It can feel like such a burden. Like, “Here’s yet another thing I have to do when I’m already feeling like shit”.  

You’ll see a lot of DBT Skills Groups offered and DBT therapists who have been extensively trained. DBT therapists who have an advanced skill set to do individual DBT therapy.

DBT Skills Training is used to teach skills. Groups are sometimes used to teach DBT Skills and can be used to provide skills training to a group of people all at the same time.  

Learning DBT Skills is great because the skills taught in skills training target the problem areas that so many people with BPD continue to struggle with in their lives. This means learning “how to change your own behaviors, emotions, and thoughts that are linked to problems in living that are causing misery and distress” (DBT Skills Training Workbook).

And yet, there is more to DBT than skills.

If you’ve been feeling like you’ve had group DBT Skills Training and it didn’t work, this is why you need to do individual DBT. That is, comprehensive DBT.  

You know those problems in living that are causing misery and distress” referenced above? You know, those problems that brought you to DBT in the first place?

Your individual DBT therapist will help you process and explore those very same problems that brought you to DBT.  

Image of woman covering her mouth, looking downward, appearing sad. Represents the importance of being in individual therapy with a DBT therapist.

Comprehensive, individual DBT therapy is different than just group DBT Skills Training in that you work individually with a DBT therapist for weekly psychotherapy, in addition to, DBT Skills Training. You also have access to DBT Phone Coaching. Comprehensive DBT includes weekly individual DBT therapy, weekly DBT Skills Training, phone coaching, and the role of the DBT Consultation Team.

Your individual DBT therapist will help you dig in further to help you deal with your own, specific problems through your weekly DBT therapy sessions. When you’re in comprehensive DBT, you’ll have access to between-session coaching for when you need help using what you’re learning in DBT, in real life. In addition, a therapist who provides comprehensive DBT will also be an active member of a DBT Consultation Team, so you can rest assured that your therapist has the extra support and collaboration of a full team. You literally have an entire team helping your individual DBT therapist provide her best treatment for you.

Feel the DBT expert difference. Get experience with a Philadelphia DBT expert.

Many people have come to me who may have been in DBT groups before and it didn’t work. They participated in the DBT Skills groups only. But after working with me for a year or more, they get to see how Dialectical Behavior Therapy is more than just skills training.

DBT is a lifestyle.

This is the DBT experience and transformation.

Connect with a Philadelphia DBT therapist.

If you want to give yourself the opportunity to really experience transformation and go beyond just groups and skills, you need comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

If you are looking for in depth, personalized, DBT, I specialize in borderline personality treatment and anxiety therapy.

If this is something you’re looking for; to really experience change and create a life worth living, click HERE.