Individual or Group DBT Skills Training. Which is best for me?

Should I do individual or group DBT Skills Training in Philadelphia?

You’re at the end of your rope. You’re in so much emotional pain and your relationships are in the toilet. You wish you knew how to cope with all of your problems because every time you try, things don’t get any better. Sometimes things get worse.

You wonder why things have to be so hard- Why do things have to hurt so much?

You’ve tried it all and things aren’t better.

You’ve been told you’re “borderline”.

Image of girl sitting against a door with a tear-stained face, makeup running down her face. Represents someone with BPD who is at rock bottom & discovered DBT.

You’ve tried so hard to change and yet nothing is working. You feel like such a failure; like such a piece of shit. It’s just so damn hard. Despite desperately craving close, supportive relationships, your behavior is actually driving people away from you. It’s a cycle that leaves you feeling rejected and abandoned.

Time and time again, you end up making a mess of things and you’re now fed up. You’re sick of the emotional pain, tired of not knowing how to make yourself feel better.

You discovered DBT.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy has been deemed the “Gold Standard” treatment for those individuals who have been diagnosed with BPD, have problems regulating their emotions, have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships, and engage in destructive, self-harming behavior.  

An important, integral part of Comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy is participating in DBT Skills Training. Learning DBT Skills is great because the skills you’ll learn while in skills training target the problem areas that so many people with BPD continue to struggle with in their lives. When you’re in DBT Skills Training, you learn how to make changes that are connected to the problems in your life that are causing you so much misery.

Philadelphia DBT Skills Training. Is Individual or Group Skills Training best for you?

You noticed that some DBT programs have skills training in groups and some therapists do skills training on an individual basis. How do you know what’s right for you? I that it can be a difficult decision to make. Deciding on the type of help you need is a very personal experience and it’s important to be able to make an informed decision. As a DBT therapist, I can provide you with information that can help you make a more informed choice.

When you’re considering DBT Group Skills Training

Image of 15 people sitting around a large table & watching an instructor at a white board. Represents a DBT Group Skills Training.

If you’re thinking about doing Dialectical Behavior Therapy and it involves group skills training, you need to be aware of several important things. When done in a group setting, you may be asked to join a group of up to 24 members or more. Some DBT groups are going to be smaller and yet a group is, by definition, involves at least several people. With that being said, the fact that a group, in fact, contains a “group” of members, the cost to participate in a group will most likely be cheaper than if done individually with a therapist.

The other thing to consider is the time you will be spending in the DBT group. For a group to be considered a “Standard” DBT Skills Training Group, it needs to adhere to specific guidelines. Because DBT standards are what makes DBT the “go-to” treatment, certain criteria needs to be met for maintaining those evidenced-based standards.

You need to be prepared to spend at least 2.5 hours in your DBT group per week. That does not include the built-in breaks that are included. So, the larger the group is, the longer you can anticipate being expected to remain in the group. In addition, Comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy, isn’t just skills training, so that means you’ll also be expected to be meeting with your individual therapist weekly as well. For what it means to in Comprehensive DBT, check out my prior blog posts HERE and HERE.

When you’re considering Individual DBT Skills Training

If you’re thinking about individual DBT Skills Training, there are important things to keep in mind. When you are involved in individual DBT Skills Training, you will have more individualized, specialized attention and support. That means, more time and skills focus on your own unique needs and problems that you’re experiencing. On the other hand, when you are the only person receiving one-on-one DBT Skills Training, with a DBT therapist, the cost will probably be higher than if you were to be in a DBT group.

When you’re receiving individual DBT Skills Training, the time spent in DBT Skills Training will be significantly less than if you were in a group. For instance, in my private practice, individual DBT Skills Training sessions are equivalent to one individual therapy session time, which is 45-50 minutes.

Why Choose Individual DBT in Philadelphia?

Image of young woman leaning on window sill, looking downward, appearing to be deep in thought. Represents someone thinking about choosing individual Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

It’s important to choose which type of Comprehensive DBT is right for you. As a DBT therapist in private practice, I’ve found that my clients flourish when engaged in individual DBT Skills Training. I’ve learned from years of experience that I love working with my clients one-on-one. My clients have told me many times that they appreciate having the individualized attention. They get more focused attention, more opportunities to practice the skills, and more personalized options to learn the skills.

When my clients work with me individually, I am not only a DBT expert, but also skilled at assisting my clients in implementing the skills they’ve learned into their personal lives. I’m able to tailor the DBT Skills Training to each client, while still maintaining the DBT Gold Standard level of treatment. My clients are able to benefit from the intensive, individualized treatment, while investing less time, all without compromising in the quality of this treatment.

Comprehensive DBT in Philadelphia

DBT Skills Training is an integral component of Comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy. If you’ve been struggling with intense emotions, problems maintaining relationships, and engaging in destructive behavior, comprehensive DBT may be what you need to help you create a life that’s not full of misery and pain, but rather one that’s worth living.

If you’re ready to get help from a DBT expert and want to experience specialized, individualized treatment, reach out today. For a free consultation for Dialectical Behavior Therapy, click HERE.